Best of 2018: Memories and Moments

by - 4:33 AM

Hello beautiful souls out there!
Finally got the time to do a proper throwback to 2018.
Has been pretty busy and occupied with stuff that is pending since last year. LOL

Without further a due, let's fasten our seat belt and sit the flight back to 2018. 💓


Started my first full time work and here is where I changed my "toilet-mirror-ootd" to "office-lift-ootd". If you follow me long enough, you will know what's it. HAHA.

Can't believe that I have already worked for 1 full year and I am finally not a Management Trainee! Wohoo!! I shall have no complaint about my work because I consider myself as the lucky one. I don't have to bring any work to home/ work in the weekends, OT is not like until 8/9pm everyday, have super friendly and nice colleagues and boss, get to enjoy a lot of staff benefits and so on..  Most importantly, I am employed! Yeap.


February is one of my favourite months because one of my favourite festive lies on this month. Do you guys know what is it? That's right! It's Chinese New Year, aka the season of eating and gaining weight. LOL. Love all the CNY cookies and of course red packet. HEHE.

I have been doing this Chinese New Year Lookbook since 2016 and
I am planning to do it again this year. 😍


Another favourite month. 💓
Besides that it is my birthday month, it is also the month where I have officially graduated from Monash University! I have made a video about my convocation, feel free to check it out. :)

Guess who turned 5 that month!
Yeap, The Butterfly Project and I shared the same birthday month. 😍
I have shared the party and everything you have to know to host a unicorn party HERE.
It was indeed the best party I have attended.


Feel really blessed and grateful to be able to meet the lovely girls and pampered by brands. It is one of the life-changing moments where I know I am actually capable in doing something, such as uploading a video every week/ trying new stuff.

 It feels great to challenge myself every week and that 2 months of Vlogstar Competition is by far the most enriched moment in 2018. Check out my Youtube Channel :)

Oh and not to forget that I have joined the general election for the first time! The election was so intense that everyone is hoping that miracle would happen. It was like a drama that I have watched online but in reality. At last, we have made it to a change and hopefully, Malaysia is a better place now.


I got nominated to represent my department for my company's annual dinner dancing competition. I had an intensive 1-month dancing practice during the working hour (yea, almost 8 hours a day).
I got to meet a lot of fresh graduates, who just joined the company, just like me and some experienced seniors from different division/field. We shared a lot of memories even though it just a short 1-2 months. Very grateful that I am still able to meet some of them, and have lunch together once in a while. Will never forget the happy moments we shared. :)

Out of 11 shortlisted Nanowhite Fresh Vlogstar, I got to squeeze in the top 7. I was actually quite worried that I am not able to stay until the end and attend the grand dinner/ the ceremony. This is because only the top 7 finalists are "qualified" for the ceremony and attend the dinner.

This is my last video for the Nanowhite Fresh Vlogstar and also the end of my 3 months money-can't-buy experience. Even though I am not the ultimate winner, I do have a lot of fun learning and growing. Really appreciate the opportunity that is given.


Another happy moment to share. If you didn't know yet, I am one of the Althea Angels! Aka Althea Angels Beauty Ambassador 😍, where I will be getting like tons of beauty products to try out. It was an honour to be able to be one of them and have a long term collaboration with my favourite K-beauty online beauty shop. 💓


Attended my favourite Japanese makeup brand event! Never thought that I will get invited to the event because I am still like a potato. HAHA. I planned to do like a makeup tutorial using only one brand, which is Canmake but am always occupied with something, which make me postponed the video for soo long! Should really get back with it after I am done with my travel post. LOL.

The whole trip was super chill and filled with good Penang food, that is recommended by the locals. Yup, 2 of them are Penang-lang, which made this trip to happen so successful. I think this is probably my first time visiting Penang because I have no memory for Penang at all. LOL.

Really enjoyed myself during the trip, even though something bad happened.


Celebrated Halloween for the first time and it is sooo fun!
Wanted to visit Stanger Things in USS but it's so expensive and I bo-lui. T.T
But Halloween in Lagoon is more than enough for me, since it's my first time. xD


Got back my car.

This might not be the best memory, but it was indeed the most impacted lesson in my life. Rmb I went to Penang in September? I got into a car accident on my way to Penang. I was so scared, but calm enough to make a phone call to my dad. It was just the beginning of the trip, but it already feels like a nightmare. I did not talk much about this incident because it is not something very nice to say.

Thankfully everyone is alright, even though there are like bruises all over our legs, but nothing major than that. It was my first car accident and hopefully the last one. Drive safe everyone. 💗


Celebrated early Christmas in my favourite country!! Have always wanted to visit Japan and especially Hokkaido in winter. 💗 This is definitely a dream come true and I feel so blessed to be able to make it so soon.

It is so magical to be able to see snow for the first time and nothing can describe how happy I am.
I am already missing the place and someone please bring me back there again. 💗
Definitely a great way and a great month to end my 2018.

There is up and down in life and it is extremely important to see the beauty in everything.
Even the worst moment can be the best memory for you and the greatest lesson to learn/own.
What's your best moments in 2018? Share it with me :D I am more than happy to know it.


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