My 2019 New Year Resolutions

by - 8:08 PM

Hello Bunnies! Happy New Year!! :D

How is 2019 so far? It still feels surreal for me tho... Like I can't believe that it is already 2019!
How time flies and I am 1 year older. LOL.

Time seems to pass more quickly when you are having fun, but there is a research says that if you're engaged in an activity or pursuit that is focused on achieving a goal, then time really does fly by as you're having fun. Get it? Get it?

I know that it is pretty typical to make a new year resolution, but it is something that makes you realised what you really want/achieve this year. It can be something small, and it can be something big. You will be surprised how time can change a person.

I feel that with a resolution, your mind will be clearer of what you want and it is what makes you feel motivated to do something better instead of living in the same old way without any motivation/ changes. When the time you just wanted to start achieving something, things might be a bit too late because you have already missed out the some of the opportunities.

So what are you waiting for? Faster grab a book/ write your new year resolution in you phone note!
Let's do this together for a better tomorrow :)

 Here is a list of new year resolutions for myself:

1) Stay happy, Be happy
Or I shall say stay optimistic. Life is like a roller coaster, there are full of ups and downs. There is no way to be happy all the time, but it is important to be optimistic. You can be sad but think in a positive side later, because there is always something new to learn at the end of every story.

2) Travel more places
Would definitely love to travel to more places, regardless of local or overseas.
Of course, it would be great to travel overseas but what makes the whole trip memorable, fun and worth is the person you travel with.

3) Save more money
Great news! I have finally paid back all my PTPTN loans 😍 Finally a debt-free person!! HEHE.
Of course, this can't be done without my parents. So this year, I want to save more money, so that I am closer to my goal.

4) Concert
You guys would be surprised if I tell you that I have never been to a concert before. Yeap, I have never been to a concert, and I don't include those New Year Carnival live performance as concerts. So this year, I am going to save up for my favourite artists' concerts!

5) Open to more opportunities / to collaborate with more people
Last year, I am very lucky to be able to join the Althea Angel Community and it is one of the best things ever. I got to meet a lot of new people and try out a lot of new stuff.
This year, I hope I still continue doing other things that I love doing despite of a full time work.

6) Create more Youtube content
I actually really love doing vlogs! I tried to do review products/hauls kind of video, but it makes me want to sleep when I was editing it. And it is more tiring than creating a review blog post. So this year, I want to create more vlogs and maybe some makeup tutorials. HEHE.

7) To be show more gratitude
It is important to be thankful for the people around you and the opportunities they have given you. It can be something small but sometimes little things are what make our life different and special.

These are my resolutions for this year. How about you?
What are your new year resolutions? I would like to know yours. :)


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