Announcement: What I have been up to for the past few weeks.
Hello everyone, I am finally back to my blog!
I have drafted a few blog posts since April and they are still there. I have neglected them for the longest time and I promised myself that I am going to post all of them, once the competition ends.
Hopefully, I can squeeze out some time to finish my April's blogs next month (walao, 3 months later 🙇). They are probably the most dragged posts I have. LOL. But I still want to write about them and post it 🙈
It has been really hectic and busy months for me since I joined the Nanowhite Fresh Vlogstar Search competition. I have posted photos and videos about the competition on my social media, eg. Instagram and Facebook. And a lot of people around me has been asking me, like what am I doing with all those Nanowhite hashtag stuff and videos.
To answer all your questions, Nanowhite Fresh Vlogstar Search is actually a 3-months campaign, connecting with youth in Malaysia to develop new social influencer (youtubers, in specific) that believes in making a difference.
I feel super lucky to be able to be one of the top finalists, as I was told that there are hundreds of submissions! I can't believe that I was selected and I was stunned when I received the call from the organizer.
The whole journey was really great, as I have been pampered by a lot of brands, coached by the experts from different industries & also collaborations with top influencers.
On the first day of the workshop, a lot of things happened and it was indeed a money-can't-buy experience for all of us. I thought that it would be a really awkward kind of workshop because I don't know anyone there, but fortunately, I got to meet a lot of inspiring souls. Thought that the whole competition will be like Deep In The Realm Of Conscience (宫心计), but everyone is so friendly!
How to get the competition feel (aka the kia-su spirit)? 😂
Here is a group photo with Guanny Guan, who is running GGTV production, a Digital Media company. He has told us a lot of tips and tricks on how to grow our youtube channel and it was kind of intense for the first day of the workshop. xD
He actually offered to lend us his studio and equipment 😍.
He is so kind and generous la!
And then we got to meet Stella Chung & Nick Chung, who are Malaysian actress and singer!
We also have Elizabeth Tan, a Malaysian singer, who is really good at Ukelele.
They have shared some of their inspiring stories and what it is like to be an influencer. They have tried really hard to achieve what they have and to be the person that they want to be. Love how positive they are and the attitude of not giving up easily. <3 p="">
For that week, I got a mission, where I have to inspire people to start eating healthy and thus I made a video where I will be a vegetarian for a day. It not really a challenge for me. In fact, I have been doing this for quite some while (at least twice a month). It might be a challenge for some people, especially those who are meat lover cause they can't skip a meal without eating meat. Hope this video is inspiring enough to encourage more people to eat healthy and consume less meat. :)
If you want to know how my day goes, click HERE.
Aren't you think that it's amazing? My parents are actually members of Healthland and now they can visit the place even more often!
What came to my mind, was TikTok. It is what everyone is currently doing and it's actually quite fun to play with.
I have demonstrated 3 types of ways you can play using TikTok (normal, duet and transition) and all of them are taken without rehearsal. Yeap, here's my first try, playing new songs that I have never played before. Please don't laugh or judge me kay 😆 Definitely not an expert in TikTok yet. 🙏 LOL
Mission of the week: Boost our creativity by FITNESS and get our bodies moving, because ABR (Action Brings Results)! 😤👌💯
In this video, I have introduced my mom to you guys, who's more flexible than me! 😂 I'm one of those most inflexible people in the world, but after I did this challenge, I feel that I have become more flexible and fit. LOL. Watch this video to see me being humiliated. xD
Anyway, I won myself a Xiaomi Mi Band because of this video 😘
Thank you for those who have supported me and this video is by far having the most views, among all my Nanowhite Fresh Vlogstar's videos 💓

Guess what! It's unicorn hair! 🦄
I have been wanting to dye rainbow colour and I feel really blessed to able to pampered by brands and organizer. I have dyed my hair quite frequently this year and I was actually pretty worried that my hair will become more damage when it already is. But with the Dr.Calor's Collegen Hair Coloring Treatment, my hair is still very smooth and soft even after the bleach!
But the colour didn't last very long, probably the shortest that I have, compared to the last hair dye experience I have, which is the con side of this hair colouring. :/
So, in this video, I have featured my favourite colour! Can you guys guess what's it? It's pretty obvious right? 😆 This is actually another mission and also my first time to do this look. I know I still have a lot of improvement but I kinda like it. 😊
The Final decision is happening soon and I hope that you guys can support me by voting me as the next Vlogstar.
So stay tuned to my Youtube because I am going to post my last video, which is also the key video that is going to decide my performance. So please support me, by subscribing to my channel (Cheryl Lim) , cause it is also part of the marking scheme. I know that the probability of winning is super small, but still, I am gonna try my best.
For those who have been supporting me throughout the whole journey, thank you so so much! 💖I have never expect that I will be able to get this kind of opportunity, being one of the top finalist in my whole life. I always think that being an influencer is like a dream.
I'm glad that I'm able to step out of my comfort zone to join the contest. Win or lose, at least I met a lot of beautiful and creative mind people. One of the common that we all have is that we are dare to dream and take action to achieve what we want. Nothing is impossible if you let your imagination runs who you are and never afraid to dream big.
That's all for this post and I will see you guys soon. :)