December Favourites 2015
December had been a very sweet month. There's so many festivals in just one month, and I can feel the happiness/ spirit still swirling in the air. Despite it's already January !
Wait ! What? It's already January 2016?
But I haven't ready for 2016 >.<
Well, I haven't ready for a new year, but at least, I'm ready for my December favourite :P
Yay~ It's another favourite post for the month ! Who's excited ?
Anyone ? Okay, maybe no one *laughing awkwardly*
Without any further due, let's get started :D
Wait ! What? It's already January 2016?
But I haven't ready for 2016 >.<
Well, I haven't ready for a new year, but at least, I'm ready for my December favourite :P
Yay~ It's another favourite post for the month ! Who's excited ?
Anyone ? Okay, maybe no one *laughing awkwardly*
Without any further due, let's get started :D
1. Makeup
Love it so much ! It's moisture, yet pigmented.
The colour is so natural, that my sister though that I didn't put lipstick XD
I am still loving this, and might not change any other lipstick in a short while.
My all time favourite was actually Fresh Sugar Passion, it's very moisture and pigmented.
But the colour is stronger a bit. So, it's more suitable for special occasion, where you wants
your lips to pop out :D. And this Canmake Lip&Cheek Gel is for everyday use,
which can be applied for both lip and cheek ;)
The colour is so natural, that my sister though that I didn't put lipstick XD
I am still loving this, and might not change any other lipstick in a short while.
My all time favourite was actually Fresh Sugar Passion, it's very moisture and pigmented.
But the colour is stronger a bit. So, it's more suitable for special occasion, where you wants
your lips to pop out :D. And this Canmake Lip&Cheek Gel is for everyday use,
which can be applied for both lip and cheek ;)
2. Song
I can always feel Yoga Lin's soul in his song, and it has the magical power to let people,
listen and listen again. I am currently watching this drama, and unlike the other dramas, I will always listen this ending song before I close the tab <3 I don't really like the story of the drama,
but I am not sure why I keep watching it xD
如果我變成一首歌 (If I become a song) are my favourite.
If you're wonder, my all time favourite singers are still JJ Lin and Jay Chou :P
I actually didn't really like this book. But there's some invisible magnet that keep attracting me to continue to read this book. It's like I got possessed.
Maybe it's because of the quote:
在生命中,你成為無數人的配角,襯托了他們 。然而,
Translate: In life, you play the minor-part in countless people's life, and make them shine. However, you may have in one's most fortunate memory, and become the most important person of his.
#deepthought is always the best !
12 songs, it looks like it's having 12 different short stories, but underneath the 12 songs, they're actually related to each other. In life, we always envious what people have, and ignore what we got.
If you look closely, happiness is not far away.
4. Drama
Love this drama ! Kiss me <3
Have been loving the series, from Taiwan's production (惡作劇之吻), to Korea's one (Playful kiss) and now Thai's (Kiss me)! If you love heartbeat, cute, funny teenager's drama, you should watch this!
The plot is almost the same, but I think this version is funnier. If you haven't watch the Taiwan version or Korea's version, let me tell you what it's actually about. There is this cute, lively, yet clumsy girl, Taliw, who has a crush on a popular genius, Tenten. He likes to tease and embarrasses her in front of all the people, but sometimes he treats her kindly and cares about her.
Taliw has a suitor, who tried his best to take her heart, and a love rival, who seems to be the perfect person for Tenten. What will she do to this situation? You guys might already know the ending, but the process is what makes me want to watch.
Actually wondering which drama should I put for the month. But then I think, why not I put both ? XD

Love watching Blood too. The main actor is way too handsome !

Love watching Blood too. The main actor is way too handsome !
"The inner heart of mine is like screaming all the way :P"
Hahahhah... So basically, it's about some vampire story. Not exactly a vampire story, but it's about a guy, who got a disease, which makes him having all the vampire symptoms, e.g. won't get old, very strong, have low temperature, can heal very fast and etc.
Rita and him are both surgery doctor. They actually knew each other when small, but cant recognise each other. Rita didn't like him at first, as she think that her position was threaten, and suspect that he's a vampire, when she saw that his wound healed very fast. But she decided to keep the secret, as she slowly fall in love with him, and found that he saved his life when she's small. Then,
there begins the battle of good and evil vampire, and love romance that happened in the hospital.
So that's all for December favourites, not a very long one.
Hope you guys enjoy reading it :)