Almond Cookies
Hey there, who loves baking?? I do love baking <3 Just like my mom ^.^
So, today, I am going to share another recipe of my favourite CNY cookies ~
ALMOND COOKIES !! It is one of my favourite cookies after all because it very tasty and it is full of nutritions. As I know, almond can help one to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. That's why my mom loves almond XD
Besides that, almond can reduce heart attack risk as it has a very low cholesterol, and provide healthy fatty acid which is good for those who want to lose weight. Moreover, as you all know almond is a kind of nut, and nut provides protein where the vegetarians get protein from them, therefore, it can help one to build strong bones and teeth.
Haha.. Okay stop all those introduction, and let's get started :)
I know you guys can't wait already :P
1) 80grams of Almond ground powder
2) 40 grams of Almond diced
3) 70 grams of icing sugar
4) 180 grams of normal floor
5) 120 grams of cooking oil
6) 1 teaspoon of soda bicarbonate
7) 1 teaspoon of baking powder
8) a quarter of salt
1) Mix all the ingredients together
2) Add the oil slowly
( do not put all the oil into the dough, because it might make the mould become unbalance )
It is better to separate the oil into 2 portions and add it separately
3) Roll the dough until they are well mixed !

4) Lastly make them into small dough like it is shown in the picture ~
5) Put them into the preheated oven in 180 degree Celcius
6) Bake them in 20 minutes
Cool them down and arrange them nicely in the tupperware and you are done ;)
Have a nice day ahead =D
See you guys next time