I have been wanted to go One City Sky Park few months ago, but I have no idea where is it and how to go :P. I have seen a lot of people posting photos of the Sky Park and this make me curious about that place. Although I know how to drive, but telling the truth, I am actually a ‘Road Idiot' ~ 路痴。
I have no idea where is Subang, where is Setia Alam, where is Shah Alam. I always though that Setia Alam has another name, which is Setia Walk. Until this year, my friend told me that Setia Walk is not Setia Alam and I was like....HUH ?? No meh? And then she gave me a face palm look
I have no idea where is Subang, where is Setia Alam, where is Shah Alam. I always though that Setia Alam has another name, which is Setia Walk. Until this year, my friend told me that Setia Walk is not Setia Alam and I was like....HUH ?? No meh? And then she gave me a face palm look
Hehe Sorry la. I just know Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur only ;P
So I had my Mathematics Workshop on that day and it ended quite early, around 12pm, so my friend invited me to his house to study. He told me that his house is very near at One City Mall and this made me to have the thought of going there to have a look. After out studies, the sky looks cloudy and I thought that I will miss the chance of going there.
My friend did not want to disappoint me because I showed him my super super sad face :P. So ended up, we went to One City as he promised me to just snap photo then chao.
I was so excited when we reached here. I could not wait to come down the car and rush in the building :D
First, let me take a selfie. XD
It took me some courages to step on this transparent glass. It is quite scary when I first stepped on this but then when I was used to it, it is just a piece of cake ;)
It is better to come in the night, because the scene in the night is prettier and you can see the lights in the mall glowing beautifully from the top. ( Photo taken from my friend, UJin)
The other reason for not coming in the day is because the sun is very hot ! We thought that the sky will rain but it did not ! Luckily for us XP
And more photos ;D
I am actually the light bulb ;P sorry Shi Kei and Brian haha
The awkward pose
Tada, this is what I want :D I was too shy* to take picture in front of so many people
Went to this Chilla Cup Cafe to have some coffee =)
Thank you Shi Kei for taking such pretty candid shot of me ^^
Sweetness overload. OMG I am going to get diabetes XD
It is okay for you guys to ignore me ;P I entertained myself by taking selfie ^,^
I ordered Cappucinno and Shi Kei ordered Latte ( Rm11 for each )

Brian ordered this and a cup of mineral water as he's very hungry
Selfie with my drink ( I love the sunlight behind me ~ #nofilter )
Playful me =P
Thankiew Shi Kei for always helping me take photos =D
Can see any difference? ( The previous one is without coffee cup~ I found it weird to capture a photo with a empty table, so I added my coffee cup to make the photo nicer XD)
Last photo of my post ~ Panorama <3
Thanks for reading and see you next time ☺️